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Fund Operations


Frequently asked questions

Answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions. Designed to offer on-line assistance with your Thornburg mutual fund account. If the information you need is not listed on this page, please call 800.847.0200 to speak with a shareholder representative.

What is the Breakpoint Schedule?

Please see our Breakpoint Schedule.

How do I buy additional shares?

When you purchase shares of a Thornburg Investment Management fund, the price is based on the net asset value (NAV) next determined after receipt of your order. Share price is normally calculated at 4:00pm EST on each day the New York Stock Exchange is open for business.

Depending on the class of shares being purchased, the actual price you pay may be greater than the calculated NAV. The public offering price, or POP, equals the NAV plus any front-end sales charge. The POP particularly applies to Thornburg Class A Shares.

Purchases can be made with a personal check or bank wire, we do not accept cash equivalents.

Shares can be purchased using the following methods:

Through your Financial Advisor



Click here

By Mail

If purchasing shares by mail, send a letter of instruction to:

Thornburg Investment Management
Post Office Box 219017
Kansas City, MO 64121-9017

Letters of instruction must include:

  • Your name
  • The fund’s name
  • Your fund account number
  • Dollar amount of shares to be purchased

If you have additional questions, please call 800-847-0200 to speak with a shareholder representative.

How do I change my address?

To change your address you can click here to update online or complete the Change of Address Form and fax to 505.984.8973 or mail to the address below.

Thornburg Investment Management
Post Office Box 219017
Kansas City, MO 64121-9017

If you have additional questions, please call 800-847-0200 to speak with a shareholder representative.

What are the different share classes?

Please see our Classes of Shares.

Where is tax information found?

You can sign up now for electronic delivery of tax forms and/or statements by clicking here. For questions regarding a tax form you have received from Thornburg Investment Management, or if you need an additional copy of the tax form, please contact our Fund Operations Group at 800.847.0200, Option 0. Our representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM MT to 3:30 PM MT.

I have an IRA. What is the cut-off date for prior-year contributions?

If you are holding either a Roth or Traditional IRA and you want to make a contribution for the prior year, you have until the tax filing deadline of the current year.

Must be postmarked or contributed online by the tax filing deadline.

Depending on how your account is registered, tax reporting procedures may be different. Your broker dealer firm may be responsible for all year end tax reporting. Please consult your Financial Representative or Tax Advisor for further details.

Cost Basis Reporting Changes In October 2010, the Internal Revenue Service issued new regulations regarding cost basis that were established pursuant to the Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Under the regulations, mutual funds are required to report cost basis information to the IRS for all shares acquired on or after January 1, 2012. When you sell or exchange shares of your Thornburg Fund, you may have a capital gain or loss that you may be required to report to the IRS. To calculate the capital gain or loss from shares sold or exchanged, you must know the original price paid, or cost basis, for the shares sold. Any transaction that increases or decreases the number of shares in your account can affect the cost basis. Cost basis reporting applies to regular taxable accounts and to accounts owned by S Corporations. Cost basis reporting does not apply to IRA or Retirement Platform accounts. The effective date for shareholders of mutual funds is January 1, 2012.

  1. The new regulations treat shares acquired before the effective date as non-covered shares. Thornburg Investment Management is not required to report cost basis to the IRS for shares purchased prior to the effective date. For certain eligible accounts, we have been maintaining Average Cost information on your account(s) as a service. You have not been obligated to use this information in your tax reporting.
  2. Shares acquired on or after the effective date are considered covered shares. Thornburg Investment Management will now report the cost basis for all covered shares to both you and the IRS. When filing your tax return, you will be required to use the cost basis reported on your 1099-B for your covered shares.

See our Mutual Fund Tax Information document for detailed information.

Please note that Thornburg Investment Management offers no tax, investment, or sales advice. We understand that tax rules are complex and recommend you discuss your specific situation with your tax advisor and financial representative.

If you have additional questions, please call 800-847-0200 to speak with a shareholder representative.

How do I contact Thornburg?

Please visit our Contact Page.

How do I receive statements and tax forms electronically?

To receive Thornburg shareholder statements and tax forms electronically instead of by mail, you must first have online account access established.

Once you have accessed your portfolio online, you can update your delivery preferences under the ‘Account Profile’ tab.

Online Account Access Security

Thornburg’s online account access provides full 256 bit encryption using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) from the user’s Web browser to the transaction web site across the Internet.

If a user’s browser does not support SSL, then they may not be able to use the account access feature. A secure browser is required for account inquiry and financial transactions.

If you have additional questions, please call 800-847-0200 to speak with a shareholder representative.

How do I open an account?

Please contact your Financial Advisor to invest in any of our products. Your advisor can help you decide which Thornburg Funds are appropriate for you according to your investment goals, time frame, and risk tolerance.

Thornburg Funds are available exclusively through most major Broker/Dealers.

The minimum investments to open an account are as follows:

Opening an Account Adding to an Account
Regular Account $5,000 $100
IRA $2,000 $100

If you have additional questions, please call 800-847-0200 to speak with a shareholder representative.

How do I redeem shares?

You can withdraw money from your fund account at any time by redeeming some or all of your shares (selling them back to the fund either directly or through your Financial Advisor). Your shares will be redeemed at the next share price (NAV) calculated after your order is received. The amount of CDSC, if any, will be deducted and the remaining proceeds sent to you. Please note that if you purchase shares by check and then redeem those shares, the payment may be delayed for up to 15 business days from the date the purchase check was received.

Shares may be redeemed using one of the following methods:

Through your Financial Advisor

Online: Click here

By Mail:
Click here for the required forms.

By Telephone:

Telephone redemptions are not permitted on qualified accounts such as IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, Coverdells, and 403Bs.

Where can I find a form?

Please see our Forms & Applications Page.

How do I send a wire?

As a Thornburg shareholder, you have the option of purchasing shares via Federal Funds. Wire purchases are initiated by the shareholder through their banking institution. Purchasers may wire payment to the Fund’s transfer agent at:

State Street Bank & Trust Company
BOS/ABA 011000028
SS&C GIDS, Inc Purchase Account
DDA 9904946-2
Name of fund to be purchased

Please include registration information, existing account number, or existing confirmation number.

Some banks may charge a wire fee. Please check with your banking institution for more details.

How do I Exchange Shares?

As a shareholder you have the privilege of exchanging shares of any class of a fund for shares of the same class of another fund. Before exchanging shares, please note the following:

  • The fund you are exchanging into must be qualified for sale in your state.
  • You may only exchange between accounts that are registered in the same name, address, and taxpayer identification number.
  • Before exchanging into a fund, read the prospectus for that fund.
  • Exchanges will be treated as a sale of your shares for tax purposes and, therefore, an exchange may have tax consequences for you. Consult a tax advisor or your financial intermediary for more information regarding taxability of exchanges.
  • You will not pay a CDSC on the exchange of Class C shares of a fund for Class C shares of another fund, even if the exchange occurs within 12 months of your purchase of the original shares. A CDSC will apply, however, to any subsequent sale of those Class C shares within 12 months of your original date of purchase, unless you otherwise qualify for a waiver of that CDSC.
  • Your shares will be redeemed and purchased at the next share price (NAV) calculated after your order is received. A sales charge is not imposed on an exchange.

Exchanges may be processed using one of the following methods:

  • Through your financial advisor
  • Online by clicking here
  • By telephone:
    Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mountain Time,

eDelivery of Shareholder Reports

Stop traditional mail delivery of Annual and Semiannual Reports, Prospectuses and Proxy Statements by signing up for e-delivery — select a link below.

Direct Shareholders

Sign up for e-delivery here. You are a Direct Shareholder if you receive statements directly from Thornburg.

Brokerage Account Shareholders

Click on the first letter of your brokerage firm’s name. You are a Brokerage Account Shareholder if you receive statements directly from your Bank or Broker