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ESG Investing

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing means different things to different people. We discuss what is ESG and how it integrates with investing.

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ESG factors can influence investment return and risk.

For Thornburg’s ESG integrated strategies, we analyze material ESG factors as a component of our fundamental research process.

Sustainable Philosophy

We believe that environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues influence investment risk and return and, therefore, our ESG approach incorporates ESG factors that we believe materially impact the investment outcome within our proprietary fundamental investment process.

Assess Material ESG Factors

We seek a deep understanding of financially material ESG factors and their integration into the risk and return framework.


We utilize a mosaic of sources, including the company’s primary materials, engagement with management teams, and/or independent third-party analysis.


Manage Stewardship Plan

As active managers we use a variety of tools in our stewardship practices, from direct engagement to using our voice in proxy voting.


We focus on constructive dialogue with companies, believing that building trust allows us to achieve the most productive change.

Latest Insights
2024 Outlook for ESG Equities

2024 Outlook ESG: Will High Rates Curb Infrastructure Investment?

If net zero carbon emissions remains the long-term climate goal, high interest rates require discipline deciding which projects are financed and which are not.
A decommissioned lignite power station behind a village

ESG Momentum: Investing Isn’t One Dimensional

Investors should consider ESG momentum investing that enables active managers to consider misunderstood companies as opportunities for alpha generation.
ESG is the new black, two purses sit against a pastel background.
Global Equity

Is ESG the New Black?

The luxury goods market is growing faster than global GDP. But as economic growth slows, will sustainability efforts help propel this sector forward?
Low Angle View Of Bird Perching On Street Light Against Blue Sky

Is the World Gaslighting ESG?

ESG finds itself at the center of a debate around fiduciary responsibility. What's lost in the noise? Jake Walko, Director of ESG Investing at Thornburg, explains.
Green policies and sustainability.

Green Policy vs Sustainability: Reconsidering ESG

For a long time, it seemed like ESG was trending towards a singular orthodoxy—that an "ESG Company" might be the one blessed by arbiters. That is no longer the case.
Onshore and offshore wind turbines on reclaimed land, Noordoostpolder, Flevoland, Netherlands

The Changing Face of ESG

As the disconnect between policy ambitions and on-the-ground realities widen, asset managers have to cope the challenge of the changing face of ESG.